I’m so glad you’re here! I have so much to share with you.
I’m here to help and support you to Live, Love, Learn & Grow
The Wheel of Life (Assessment Tool): Finding Balance in Your Life
The wheel of life provides a snapshot of where you are in your life now (how satisfied you are) and where you want to be. Each segment reflects an area of your life. It's an excellent starting point to help you consider and gauge each area of your life and in turn see what's off balance. Download the tool and follow the simple instructions. If this wheel were a bicycle wheel, how bumpy would your life be.
2023 Goal Setting Workbook
2023 is around the corner. Are you ready to bring to life your goals and dreams and make them a reality? Use this Goal setting Workbook to support you in making them happen. Goals and dreams won’t become a reality if they stay in your head. Get them written down, feel them, picture achieving them, break them down, share them. Give yourself the best chance possible of achieving them using this goal setting guide (included are also some pitfalls to look out for!)
2022 Reflection Guide
This reflection guide is intended to support you in celebrating, acknowledging and reflecting on the experiences and personal learnings received (either over the past year or for any significant event). Reflection provides and opportunity for space. Reflection allows an opportunity for integration and application of learnings (where relevant). Reflection also allows for closure (if necessary) and to make space for new beginnings. Enjoy this reflection guide as a tool to take stock of all the experiences that have contributed to making you into the unique human being that you are today.