1:1 Coaching

What to expect:
10 Hours of 1:1 time with Victor Chau Yoga
Submit your application below and a personalised mentoring plan will be created for you based on your goals.
Examples of topics to cover:
Building your business as a yoga teacher
Creating your signature offers and a standout brand that will get noticed on social media
Improving your teaching cues or adjustments
Learning how to structure your class and keep students coming back for more
Marketing yourself and how to put yourself out there to build your community
How to reach out to your dream brands for collaborations
Scaling your business​
Face to face sessions (Hong Kong only) or zoom available.

Why Coaching?
Think of coaching as your navigational instrument: your compass. It is often the starting point for more expansive thought, different perspectives, better alignment, creativity and possibility. Sometimes it may involve busting old beliefs that are holding you back. Coaching will get you to where you want to go (or even beyond your wildest dreams), AND importantly it will also help you uncover who you are longing to be.
Setting Sail
Any journey starts with plotting a course and direction. Navigation towards the destination may be through calm or stormy waters. You will find that the wind changes direction as you travel. But by constantly readjusting your sails along the way you will gain new insights and perspectives on what is possible.
You at the Helm
With the right coach supporting your journey along the way, you can experience profound personal growth. You can progress towards your vision – whether that relates to your leadership or business goals, personal goals or life goals – with a strong sense of purpose and a deeper understanding of who you are.
Expect to be challenged as you step into your courage along the way. Expect transformation as you move towards a more fulfilling leadership and life journey. Expect to experience a greater sense of meaning and purpose. Expect to take action: change doesn't happen on it's own. Be willing to explore new perspectives and to be open-minded to all possibilities.
If this resonates for you then you're ready to connect with me. I'd love to explore if I'm the right coach for you on your journey.
Ready to Cast Off?
Whether you're ready to set sail or simply curious about coaching and whether it's right for you, get in touch. I'd be happy to offer a complimentary 30-minute discovery coaching session.
Tools & Techniques
All coaching packages and programs use a number of tools, techniques and approaches that explore the effectiveness of existing thought patterns, beliefs and behaviours for clients. The mind, the heart, the body and spirituality (in some cases) are all brought into play to tap into different sources of our wisdom and intelligence to help all clients make more conscious and resonant choices.
By putting together an action plan after each coaching session and designing how each client wants to be held accountable for their learning, I support clients move towards their goals and explore who they are becoming. Clients are responsible for their actions and their learning.
The Heartstyles indicator is an online character development tool designed to show you (and your teams and organisations) what their behaviours currently are and why that might be the case. It then shows you how to go on a journey to become the best and most effective version of yourself. The Heartstyles indicator gives you a place to grow from. It doesn’t label you or put you in a box. It shows us just how human we all are. It takes a snapshot of your character and behaviour at a given point in time (as this shifts over time) and gives you the power and allows you to grow from there both personally and professionally. In an organisation this is important as culture drives success and people drive culture – so knowing yourself and your teams is an organisational imperative. Ask me more about Heartsytles if you’re interested.
Coaching is exploratory by nature so requests from the coach of the client may come in the form of reflective inquiry, direct requests or challenges. The client ALWAYS has the option to choose how they go forward.
As a result, ALL coaching can be a fun and very creative process of self-discovery and learning and permission will always to sought to try new things.