Finding My Clarity
Am I in the right career or job?
Am I just going through the motions or am I actually feeling a bit lost in my career?
If these are questions that you're pondering, you're in the right place.....watch the short video below, keep reading.
Let me show you how I can help you to get clarity you're looking for in your career!

You’re looking for that one thing that will finally help you get clarity and stop the questioning.

Maybe you’ve already tried journaling, speaking to your friends, your spouse, your mentor or even a career coach and it probably felt good to share your doubts and your questions - for a moment, at least!
But the next day, or the next week you’re back to second guessing yourself and the cycle of questioning and doubting comes back. Ouch!
You can't seem to make a decision. Do I stay? Do I go?
So when you have another one of those days in your current job where you feel frustrated, your body feels tense and you think that you are back on the never-ending hamster wheel and you can’t help but think…
“What if this is how I’ll feel forever?”
Do NOT lose hope!
You do NOT have to accept these uncomfortable thoughts and feelings of stuckness as your new normal
But know this......

“Your thoughts and your feelings provide important information around your stuckness. These thoughts and feelings are simply an invitation to tune into what you really want and what you
really care about.”
- Monica Browning
Now, I know what you are thinking and what your rational and logical brain is telling you:
"Surely I shouldn’t be listening to those thoughts and feelings and I should just get on with my job. After all I have a good job, with good pay and benefits and I won’t get another opportunity like this one, right? “
Your thoughts and your feelings have EVERYTHING to do with your stuckness.
And yes, this may also be contributing to your stress levels, how you feel about yourself, your job, your colleagues and your relationships with others!

The way something makes you think and feel, changes how interact with your work, with yourself and with others

Sure, perhaps you’ve got most of your job (or career) sussed out.
But despite how shiny things look on the outside, how well you’re being paid, how well you’re performing, deep down you know: Something needs to change.
So, is this the program that you’ve been looking for?
Whether you're...
between jobs (either out of your own choice or not) and you’re trying to figure out what’s next
happy where you are, but societal or familial pressures are forcing you or telling you that you “should” be doing something else (fear of missing out, caught up in comparison, grass is greener, insecure in your own potential)
unhappy where you are at, but fearful of what a move might look like and what may happen if you leave (fear of rejection, fear of losing out financially, fear of losing status, fear of starting over, imposter syndrome)
in a job that is not fulfilling but it’s a means to an end. You know there’s more but you're procrastinating, dragging your feet, living to work, not working to live, feeling apathetic and there is no aliveness or passion in your job
in a job that you LOVE but the environment in which you are working (including the leadership, the culture, the recognition or how your organisation fulfils its corporate values) in is not allowing you to thrive (creating stress, overwhelm and lack of opportunities)
feeling that you've reached a plateau in your current organisation and you're questioning if you're in the right place to fulfil your longer term career aspirations
at your lowest point and you've started to think that maybe the problem isn’t your work, but you.
So what if you could feel better about where you are in your job or your career every day?
There is a way to get relief from the discomfort of not knowing what to do next.
It’s simpler than you think!
And it requires taking action.

Finding My Clarity
(90 Minutes)
DATES: 6 February - 20 March 2025 INCLUSIVE
(Thursdays ONLY)
7:30PM - 9:00PM HKT
6:30AM - 8:00AM EST
11:30AM - 1:00PM UKT
5:00PM - 6:30PM IST

A small (6 person) action-packed and action-led group coaching program designed to support and guide you on a transformative journey towards clarity in your career and work life and help and get you heart, your mind and your job on the same page.

This 6-part online coaching program (over 7 weeks) is carefully and diligently designed to help you:
🌟 Gain clarity in your career and what you want for yourself
🌟 Feel empowered in your decision making - whether you stay or leave your career or your job
🌟 Understand what may be keeping you stuck or what's getting in your way
🌟 With a structured plan and step by step weekly guide to finding your clarity
🌟 Access your courage and confidence to either make a change / or stay where you are and know that whatever you decide, it will be the right course of action for you right now!
In a safe, supportive and non-judgemental group setting with like minded people you'll be able to tune into what feels energizing and fulfilling, explore options and choices that play to your strengths and passions, and pursue what feels meaningful and impactful in an environment that helps you to feel alive and to thrive (not merely survive!).
USD $757 (HKD5,888)
Before you pay, complete the short application form we'll have a short 30 minutes call to ensure this is the right program for you!
Before you pay anything, let's see if this is the right program for you. Apply below, answer a few questions and we'll set up a short 30 minutes call and we'll take it from there!
Your step-by-step weekly guide to finding your clarity!
What can you expect inside this safe and non-judgemental program?

Week 1 - Clarify Your Strengths and Your Values
You will explore and connect with your own strengths and values. Knowing your strengths & values is essential for establishing what matters to you and ensuring that your are making decisions that align with your strengths, values and beliefs. This helps you live with greater clarity, authenticity and satisfaction when it comes to your career.

Week 2 - Purpose & Vision
You will discover how purpose and vision act as a compass and roadmap and help you get a deeper insight into what truly motivates you, leading you to more clarity and a more fulfilling life (both professionally and personally). You will be guided to identify your purpose and vision providing a solid foundation for your journey towards clarity

Week 3 - Obstacles & Challenges
Recognising and overcoming challenges and fears that hinder your progress is vital on your path to clarity. You will be guided through identifying your fears and developing strategies to confront them. By transforming challenges and fears into stepping stones you will cultivate resilience and confidence and clear the path ahead.

Week 4 (Program Mid Point) - 1:1 Coaching (50 minutes)
A Personalised Coaching Session to Help Support Your Path to Clarity

Week 5 - Mindset & Confidence
Your mindset significantly influences your ability to achieve clarity and success. Here you will be supported to cultivate a growth mindset, allowing you to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning. By shifting your perspective, you'll foster a more positive outlook that supports your journey toward clarity and fulfilment and the confidence and resilience gained along the way.

Week 6 - Taking Action
During this week you will start to take practical action towards the dream job / career you’re seeking. This may mean updating your CV / Linked IN, identifying and applying for that ideal job, or preparing for that difficult conversation at work. This is where the rubber hits the road, where it becomes real and where support is available.

Week 7 - Integration and Moving Forward
Having taken some concrete action, here is where it all comes together. Understanding who you are, what you want and what makes your feel energised and alive. In this final session we integrate everything to ensure you have a road map for how you continue to get clarity, feel fulfilled and stay focused and motivated on your path to realizing your vision for your career.

Here’s what you get when you sign up:

30 Minutes Discovery Call – pre-program (USD$150)
6 x 90 minutes Topic Calls (USD$2100) - ZOOM
1:1 Coaching (50mins) – (USD$300) – at the half way mark
Workbook & Additional Downloadable Resources to support your growth (USD$150)
Small community (max 6) to share ideas and thoughts in a safe, confidential & non-judgemental setting.
I'm not kidding

It’s not like your run of the mill group where you don’t get lasting results. Everyone is here for the same reason. To Find Clarity! You will get outcomes and results (maybe that you didn’t expect) by putting in the work (and yes, it will take some effort on your side).
Small Group Coaching
Over seven weeks, you will be given a safe, confidential and non-judgemental space to share your dreams, desires, fears and concerns where you can share your vulnerabilities (and not feel stupid) and get support and clarity from your fellow peers and your coach. This is where we realise that we are not alone and we can the power of learning through sharing.
Outcomes You Can Expect:

Clarity on your career goals, what’s most important to you and what you want for yourself
Confidence and courage to make a change (or stay where you are) and know what the right action will be for you
Tools to help you when ever you are “stuck” again
A small community of like-minded people who you can turn to in the future.
This program is NOT a guarantee that you will leave your job (if you are in a job). After this program, you may decide that the right decision IS to stay in your job. If you have done the work (which includes an honest self-appraisal), you’ll have more clarity that you think possible and you'll be able to make better, wiser and more informed decisions for yourself which will bring a greater peace of mind and fulfilment.
What My Clients are Saying
About Working with Me
"Monica’s coaching has provided me with clarity and alignment between my personal/core values and my career. In addition, I have rediscovered my inner confidence, strength and ambitions which are enabling me to take important steps for the next phase of my career."
- Herman Tse, Hong Kong
"Working with Monica over the last few months has really allowed me to add action to the goals that I have and create clarity around what is most important to me in all aspects of my life. As someone who is driven and motivated, she has been able to compliment my own practice by prompting focused and purposeful steps, fully understanding the unique values I have and what is most important for me to uphold as I move through my own journey."
- Natalie Pringle, Hong Kong
"Working with Monica was a life-changing experience! While we addressed many difficult key issues standing in the way of me being a more productive, balanced and conscious person in both my work and personal life; the whole experience felt easy thanks to Monica's gentle, caring approach. I couldn't recommend working with Monica highly enough"
- Leigh-Ann Luckett
"Monica has helped me realise who I am, what drives me as a human, and encouraged me to ask myself critical questions I would not have asked myself. Consequently, I have come out of my coaching experience with far more clarity and understanding with regards to what makes me tick, and a lot more confidence and motivation that I plan on taking forward in my life with pride!"
- Matthew Mee

Finding My Clarity
(90 Minutes)
DATES: 6 February - 20 March 2025 INCLUSIVE
(Thursdays ONLY)
7:30PM - 9:00PM HKT
6:30AM - 8:00AM EST
11:30AM - 1:00PM UKT
5:00PM - 6:30PM IST
And because we spend so much of our waking time at work, here's everything else that's possible when you join the Finding My Clarity coaching program

✓ Clarity on your purpose and what you’re doing and why
✓ Clarity of the kind of work that you want to be doing that will bring you joy and fulfilment
✓ Clarity in the leadership and culture that you want to be a part of
✓ The ability to ask for what you want and what's important to you (e.g. recognition) without fear of repercussions or reprimand
✓ Trust your decision making

✓ An overall better sense of emotional and physical well being at work.
✓ Feeling present and energised even during
difficult times and difficult conversations
✓ A greater sense of belonging at work
✓ Finding people who uplift and support you
✓ Healthier boundaries and relationships with people at work and better emotional regulation
✓ Taking steps forward with ease, energy and
Your professional life can look and more importantly feel so different. This powerful and impactful program will help you start addressing what’s happening within you and what’s important to you.
Why am I qualified to help you?
My purpose and mission is to help leaders, entrepreneurs and people just like you go from feeling stuck in a rut, unclear disillusioned to getting clarity, feeling energised and making better decisions for themselves professionally and personally.
How did I find my clarity?
Seven years ago I was in the thick of my own, “What am I doing with my life?”.
I took a sabbatical from the corporate world, I left Hong Kong where I lived and worked and I had no idea what was coming next.
Would I go back to my current job? Would I find another job? What would I be doing? What did I want to do? Where did I want to be?
So many questions. So much confusion. I was feeling lost, unfulfilled, disheartened and uninspired by the constant hamster-wheel of the corporate life, not feeling valued for my contribution and the constant stress of trying to do more with less.
Hi, I’m Monica Browning

Over the weeks and months that followed, and working with a coach, I designed my coaching business based entirely on the life that I wanted and one where I could be of maximum contribution and service to those wanting support. One where I helped leaders, entrepreneurs and people like you uncover exactly what I realised so many of us needed: CLARITY.
I realised that I had been living my life on autopilot:
I was living to work, not working to live
I was people pleasing and compromising myself in many situations (personally and professionally)
I was eating and drinking to excess to numb out feelings of inadequacy
I was always around people, yet still feeling very alone
I wasn’t living a life aligned with what I truly valued.
It wasn’t until I saw the disparity between how I was living my life versus what I wanted that I started focusing on what I really wanted for my LIFE (including my career) that my next steps started to become more clear. It took for me to step away from what I was in to see more clearly!
Clarity is the golden ticket (whether you’re a senior leader in the corporate world, just starting out your own business as an entrepreneur or a full-time carer or parent) to living a life that is aligned with your values, that sparks your purpose, and makes you feel deeply fulfilled.
Here are a few other things that I'd like to share with you to show you that I not only walk the talk, but I have the background to bring you results:
I have been coaching and mentoring people to make transformations in every part their lives and careers for 20+ years.
My previous Navigate Towards Fulfilment coaching program has helped conscious leaders, impact-driven entrepreneurs and individuals navigating change just like you to achieve amazing results.
I’ve had 20+ years of international experience across the globe with multiple companies, moves and re-starts so I know what it’s like to have the experience of re-starting, re-building confidence multiple times over.
I am a fully certified and qualified professional coach (PCC/CPCC) and I continue to deepen my coaching education on a yearly basis as a neuroscience and trauma informed coach to support my clients.
I believe that EVERYONE has the right to be in a job and career that they love. I'm here to support you in getting clarity, accessing your courage and giving you the confidence and belief in yourself to pursue those dreams and desires.

The 6-part (7 week) small group online coaching program that will help you:
🌟 Gain clarity on your career goals and what you want for yourself
🌟 Cut through the noise and mental clutter
🌟 Understand what may be keeping you stuck or what's getting in your way
🌟 Access your courage and confidence to either make a change / or stay where you are and know that whatever you decide, it will be the right course of action for you right now!
I’ve seen the lives of many of my clients' transform once they found clarity. AND I want the same for you.
This program is a culmination of the experience, training and tried and tested ways to explore the life you are in today and the life you are yearning to move into.
I’m here to provide you with a structured plan and be your guide and help you navigate the challenges and obstacles and let you know that ......
“The Obstacle Is the Way”

I’ve coached 1000s of people as individuals, small groups and big groups and the verdict is clear. So many of you are seeking CLARITY!
And clarity is what you’ll get.
If you’re looking for a structured plan and a step by step guide to get clarity AND you are prepared to keep an open-mind, an open-heart and be willing to have some of your old beliefs (that are keeping you stuck) tested and challenged, you're in the right place.
CHANGE can be hard. But the good news is as humans we are adaptable.
What can be harder than the change itself is dealing with the feeling of loss and the fears that accompany change – a change of ideas, a change in mindset, a change in thinking, a change in behaviour, a change in perceived "identity".
If this appeals, then this program is for you.
At best you’ll take the learnings and insights and start living a life that that brings fulfilment, joy and happiness professionally and personally.
At worst, you’ll learn a lot about yourself along the way, you’ll realise you’re not alone and seeds will be planted (that will one day bloom with further nourishing and watering).
But that's not all!
If You Apply Today
You’ll take advantage of the one-time introductory offer at an AMAZING PRICE!
6 modules of easy-to-digest content, delivered 1 module per week over 7 weeks. Each of which we will walk through your path to clarity, from setting strong foundations to taking decisive action
Online interactive & live calls that explore each topic via discussion, insight and exploration
Workbooks to accompany each module, packed with exercises to help you integrate the module content, plus powerful prompts, videos and resources to help you get the clarity you're looking for.

And on top of all this? You’ll get the following program bonuses:
“Courage Through Coaching” journal & note book for capturing all your thoughts, ideas and learnings to help you uncover deeper levels of clarity and direction.
Plus, by joining today you’ll also lock in lifetime access* to the future self-paced version of this program.
*NOTE: The online self-paced version of this program will start development in 2025 and scheduled for release before end 2025!
Need proof you can go from frustrated, confused and overwhelmed, to clear, calm and confident in your next steps?
Here's What Past Program Participants Have Said About Working with Me
I met Monica at a point where there was a lot of turmoil in my professional life. In our first session on values I already felt so much more clarity about what I wanted and needed. From there, Monica helped me navigate the real or perceived issues standing in my way and find the courage to do something about it. I have since made a big career change and feel like a better version of myself who is clear on what I bring to the table and also much more capable of handling challenges.
-Female Banker / Finance
"After every session with Monica I feel motivated and inspired! Her sessions always feel like a little journey of self-discovery and self-actualization, as she guides you through a series thought provoking exercises and discussions which encourage a deep, yet comfortable, level of inquiry. Monica's warm and empathetic nature makes you feel immediately comfortable in her sessions and she has an incredible capacity to listen and pick up on important words, themes and threads. I couldn't recommend Monica highly enough if you are looking for a opportunity for self-inquiry, and gaining a new level of motivation and engagement with life!"
- Educator and Yoga Instructor, Hong Kong
"Through Monica’s coaching and encouragement, I’ve stepped out of my rut and I’m forging ahead with my new self-employed path. Monica helped me to think differently, challenge perceptions, identify obstacles and understand my values better. Monica is a champion, a great listener and she will also encourage you to confront ideas and behaviours and to make positive changes."
- PR & Media Consultant, UK
"Working with Monica has been a wonderful, eye opening, insightful journey. I started coaching believing I wanted to get more awareness and structure to how I was approaching my business, how to bring my ideas to fruition and what I quickly realised through the pre coaching process and our first session together was how much I actually needed to carve out time to reconnect with myself. Monica was able to facilitate those realisations through her ability to hear what was and wasn’t being said. She intuitively provided questions, exercises, reflections and tools to support this process and helped bring to the surface exactly what needed to each week."
- CSD - Leadership Coach
Still have questions?
How many people are going?There will be 12 - 15 retreaters.
Will there be alternative times for pick up and drop off?Unfortunately we can only provide the set times above for pick up and drop off. However, if you wish to arrange separate travel arrangements please let us know and this can be arranged at an additional cost.
Will alcohol and coffee be allowed?Yes, coffee and alcohol are allowed. We would just encourage everyone to moderate the alcohol and coffee intake to make sure you make the most of the practices. Traditionally alcohol and coffee are not encouraged with yoga practice as they influence the mind-body connection. If you are interested in finding out more about a Sattvic diet click here.
What sort of food can I expect?Delicious and nourishing vegetarian Thai food will be served throughout the retreat for lunch and dinner. For breakfast you will be offered a healthy Western style meal. All meals are vegetarian to align with the Sattvic diet and also the principles of ahimsa. The word “Sattvic” means “pure essence,” and sattvic foods are thought to be pure and balanced, offering feelings of calmness, happiness, and mental clarity. Please let us know if you have any allergies or food requirements.
Will I have some time to myself?Yes, you will! There will be the daily practice, mealtimes and optional activities – otherwise you will have plenty of time to spend how you wish at the Maekok River Village Resort!
What sort of yoga will we do?The daily practice will combine traditional practices of Hatha and Vinyasa with meditation, mindfulness, breath work and relaxation, allowing you to experience the full physical and mental benefits. The sessions are accessible for all abilities so that everyone can experience the benefits.
How much yoga will we do each day?Twice daily on Saturday, Sunday, Monday & one practice on Tuesday.
Do I need to bring a mat?No, yoga mats and blocks will be provided. However, feel free to bring any equipment you wish to assist your practice.
What will be included in the coaching sessions?The daily coaching sessions will be an opportunity to bring inner curiosity and be gently and safely guided by Monica to examine and explore where you are in your life today and what you want more of in your life. Monica’s coaching techniques and strategies are practical, pragmatic and holistic in nature meaning that they invite you to explore the whole body experience (mind, heart and body) as you connect to yourself and move towards greater calm and clarity. The daily coaching sessions will beautifully compliment the daily movement practices as you are invited to connect body, heart and mind.
When time does the retreat begin and end?You can check in from 3pm on Friday. The opening session will be at 6:30pm. The retreat will finish on Tuesday at 12pm.
Who is leading the retreat?Alexa and Monica will be looking after you and expertly guiding you over the course of the retreat. Alexa will lead all the yoga practices & Monica will be guiding you through the coaching sessions.
What spa treatments will be available?Massages will be available to book at an additional cost (approx THB 600 per hour).
What facilities are available in Thaton?In the local village there are ATMs, small grocery shops and pharmacy should you need anything during the retreat.
Is there WIFI?Yes, the resort and rooms are equipped with WIFI (although we encourage you to switch off completely!).
Will I need Cash?Yes, a small amount is cash is advisable in case you wish to purchase anything from the local village and for additional activities like massages. However, at the Maekok River Resort you will be able to settle all additional expenses by card.
Have additional questions?If you have any additional questions, please drop us an email to: calmclarityretreat@gmail.com and we'll get back to you asap.